Choices made daily by everyone- as humans & citizens by comparing ourselves to others and choosing a path that resonates and makes our metaphor unique. A challenge, which never stops unless we stop caring.
“Who am I and why am I here?”
That is the question always and how we deal with it becomes the metaphor for our existence.
“Truth and Falsehood are arbitrary terms. There is nothing in experience to tell us that one is always preferable to the other… There are lifeless truths and vital lies… The force of an idea lies in its inspirational value. It matters very little whether it is true or false.”
NOTE: (Arthur Bullard. Written in 1917 to the US president, recommending the creation of a propaganda department to support US entry into WW1.)
Who do you trust and what is the truth? Maybe the P8 will help you to understand what you see and hear by others and what motivates them to create it using various media.
“If the soul is left in darkness, sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” (Victor
Consider the definitions for cause and effect & how our behaviour relates to the Nature/Nurture of our existence. How do you define soul, sin & guilt and who decides: YOU or the STATE?
Do we live with our past or do we leave it behind us?
“A personal question and a communal question both of which create(s) a tension(s) that we have to live with daily in our actions whether personal or public. This is our P8 but how much of this reality confounds the truth(s) in our lives? Examples that reflect these truths and our responses become the choices we make and their outcomes in Canada.” (MJW)